Mauna Kea Polo Club
2017 Sponsorships
Below are all the types of sponsorship that the club has available. We have tried to make different sponsorships available that might fit with different budgets and also might fit well with your type of businesses. The types also fill an important need for our games to be possible and are greatly appreciated, or are something to make the games fun! click on the titles to see what benefits you receive while helping support polo as well.
Grand Patron​​​​​​
​​The top level of sponsorship will field two teams for the day both competing for the same patron. A great way to maximize your support, benefits, and marketing. ​

Per Game ...............................................$1200
Best Playing Pony Sponsor
The best playing pony is a great way to keep everyone involved. This is voted on by the Social Members, that way you get to know the ponys and the players. This sponsorship allows for a reward to the pony for doing a great job.
Per Season .......................................................... $1100
Field Sponsorship​​​​​
Per Game ..........................................................$100

Sound Sponsorship​​​

Per Game .............................................................$75
